bloody tags

I had to take Fronkles to the vet a few weeks ago, because something was off. When the vet asked what the issue was, I replied, "I'm not sure, but I reckon he's been eating the bloody garbage." The vet, with a straight face looked at me and said, "What kind of blood was it?" And I was like, "Wow." Fortunately, Fronkles is all good. I probably won't go back to that vet. Even though it's the eighth one I've seen around midtown. For those of you...

laughter. learning things.

My weekend was filled with a lot of laughter. This week I have a four day course, I'm looking forward to learning new things. I'm a tremendous advocate of mind expansion. As a professional Writer, it's important that I take any class offered to me. The more styles I'm familiar with, the more valuable I am at work. I really like the company I work for, so I'm keen to get my head around some unfamiliar concepts this week. It officially feels like...

thanksgiving this year

Love to you all around the world! Welcome to another Thanksgiving post. Ever since one of my four sisters ripped our family apart after I came back from Australia, my U.S. holidays have morphed somewhat. I'm blessed to be with family, period. So I'm in Plymouth. After being in midtown for five years, being in suburbs for an elongated period always leaves a print. I never wanted to be "that girl" who hates the holidays. What's even more strange,...

what you chase

Since cracking off this web-ville in 2009, I've seen (and written about) a lot going down. I've also had the privilege to watch a collection of my fellow wordsmiths get the bindings they've been chasing, with their name printed across, scattered around bookshelves all over the place. That, to me, is very special. Self-publishing gave me the same tingles as I observed strangers plucking up my pages to indulge in my poetry. It meant a lot to me,...

pumpkins. staying up.

My weekend has been spent staying awake, carving pumpkins and weaving around midtown. I'm happy to have a friend around while I ride out the end of the most recent stint of terrible. I ate Thai food last night and laughed until I was lying on the ground in giggles. My friend put a pumpkin on his head to make me smile and carved out the face that I drew on another one. I love October in New England, it's special. Everything suddenly tastes like...
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