
As we have established, I am a peaceful creature. I actually take unconditional love and selflessness to ineffable peaks that occasionally work against me in the curious world of Earth. Which is probably an odd karmic influence from a previous life or some sort of evolution facet.

I essentially go about my day aiming to spread love in whatever direction presents itself. At night I meditate on blessing the planet with focus toward healing whatever disruptions I go out of my way to avoid.

Considering my presence here in Internet land, it’s somewhat ironic that a large part of my survival involves avoiding newspapers and living in television-less dwellings.

I’ve raised my avoidance of news prior, here and here, for example.

Yesterday I caught a headline on my way home about some psycho who sent a letter to one of Melbourne’s major newspapers with explicit instructions about how they were going to bring a bomb into the airport to kill everyone, or
as many as they could take out I suppose.

People blame politics or unfortunate social circumstances or insanity or religion or whatever they can use to validate the fucked-ness of human behaviour.

I simply blame humans.

I don’t tend to have these type of rants but needed to vent my state of bothered prior to my upcoming escapade.

Shout out to the cult, fellow lovers, aliens, pixies, and harmonious critters. Here’s to keeping on with fighting the good fight.


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