Namaste blog tribe
Today I go back to work. It’s literally the first time in my life that I am actually looking forward to returning to work after a holiday. Part of that is because my current job is my favorite and best. The second reason is because there was unexpected turmoil over the last few days of vacation that spit me out the other side just wanting to return to some type of basic routine.
I’ve recently dealt with scorned lovers and angry family members. I’ve accepted my return to New York City as utterly bitter-sweet. It’s been two years back in these parts. My heart and loves remain in Australia.
After getting my ass beat by various U.S. parties for a couple days, I spent the last 48-hours talking on the phone with my Aussie family. It was eye-opening, to say the least. I never really thought about it, since I spent three years trying to get back here, but the relationships I have in Australia are the most important to me.
Considering I came back to the states, ended up on a wild roller-coaster ride with a boy three months later, and spent weeks apartment finding, puppy relocating and all of the other factors of existence … I’m finally, now, at the point where I can wash out of my hair what doesn’t matter and embrace what’s magical and important.
I realize that my family is in Australia.
I’m not planning to pack up just yet. I still have things to do here. And I like being able to visit my parents in the country on the weekends. My siblings have written me off over some small town gossip that sadly blew out of control. I’ve been grieving for a year. I don’t want to be sad about people who don’t care about me anymore.
The two weeks off did exactly what I hoped in ways I didn’t expect. I got a bit of rest, did a lot of writing, but most importantly – I’ve decided to not bother with human creatures far too pre-occupied to bother with me. Something about that feels unique and good to me.
Happy Monday, lovers. Make a point to squeeze someone who matters to you. Or at least let them know.
Babe, you are loved. Be gentle with you and make the choices that are right, deep down in your gut.
i love your face. planning february journeys down under. x