serialized fiction #2 (1 of 4)

The last serialized fiction set that I wrote received much love from many. I started to contemplate setting up an area on my page to accommodate a rolling serialized section… then my brains started to complain. So let’s have another play and worry about that later…

Serialized Piece #2…

Carmen feels closer to the two Mexican brothers that own her local bodega than anyone else. Every morning at exactly 6.30a she is eagerly greeted by either Jose or Raul, and unlike any other man she’s ever met – they know exactly what she wants. Today it’s Raul.

‘Buenos dias mama!’ says a set of hungry eyes devouring every length and corner of Carmen’s physique. Her carmel complexion, electric lime eyes, apricot lips and sandalwood scent.

She can have anything she likes.

‘Good morning papi,’ says Carmen turning to assist an elderly Polish woman named Natia step into the shop.


Raul accepts Natia’s 75 cents for a newspaper without taking his eyes off Carmen, the girl he was speaking with his brother about a mere five hours prior over tequila and pineapple juice from a fire escape in Hell’s Kitchen.

‘Forget about her man,’ said Jose admiring the lights of Times Square. The atmosphere swirling with sweetness of roasting cashews and bitterness of cigarette smoke.

When the brothers initially agreed to swap their American status from central to north, they spent a hard thirty-six months washing dishes in a Brooklyn diner pretending to not understand English.

Somehow that simplified those first few years.

Jose isn’t wiling to allow his little brother to forget what they’ve worked for.

‘American women are bad business hombre, stick to the plan.’

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