TWINNIES and more yes

Big sister number four is having TWINS today blog tribe! I awoke this morning to big sister number one texting TWINNIES an hour before I would have ordinarily considered waking up.

Remember when I used to have insomnia?

I giggled at my phone, pounced out of bed, watched one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever witnessed and proceeded to dance around the apartment.

… I’ve been doing that a lot lately.

Believe that it is real talk when I attempt to express how life changed so dramatically, and so perfect on March 7 – I am still steadying.

I was on the phone with a cult member the other day talking about schemes and he commented, “Of course you’re doing something crazy. It wouldn’t be Gretchen otherwise.” So yeah, top secret hustling stays in the mix.

I am most literally happier than I have ever been in my entire life. Being the “everything is balanced” love child that I am, I can’t help but believe the reason the Universe beat on me recently was to gear me for the best to follow. 


I’ve officially turned into one of those people who stays so madly happy that some creatures feel uncomfortable… true story!

Let me tell you blog family, between twinnies and springtime in New York City and stories everywhere and this boy… I’m remembering bliss after back to back winters and one nasty split. I don’t stop smiling. Laughter is coming from a deeper place. Music sounds sweeter. Food tastes better.

My brain is finally processing the incredible journey FollowMeToNYC really captures, amongst the words. So yeah, per usual, here’s where I say “Content sorting! Yes!”

I hope you are all well. Can’t wait to share stories. x




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