Happy Halloween my delicious cult of wonderfulness! After a miserably failed attempt to spend all of yesterday feeling bad for myself, I had the best evening ever. I’ve come across so many soul circle members during this particular New York City mission, it has been amazing.
I am going to miss them terribly when I leave this town on November 10th. Until I come back that is…
While I was nesting last night around 8.30pm I received a phone call from a sister saying, ‘Hi… I’m on the corner…’ Ten minutes later I was drinking martinis at Punta Dura, a DELICIOUS Italian restaurant that you all must go to the next time you are in Astoria.
Shortly after cocktails we migrated into the dining room when my phone rang and we were joined by another VIP cult member. Nothing makes me feel more at home than being in a packed room filled with loud European people taking four hours to eat dinner… We clanked wine glasses, we danced to a live band, we had our own personal judging of the costume contest that took place… we laughed and ate and laughed and danced in a perfect atmosphere with amazing service and beautiful humans.
After we left the restaurant we listened to hip hop on my iPhone and danced in the street, we rocked into a house party thrown by a new friend we met sometime during the night, we went to two different nightclubs, I sat on a sidewalk sofa and wrote some poetry, I got home at 4.30 this morning covered in glitter.
Thank goodness for divine interventions…