I woke up last Sunday with an ugly hangover that dissipated at the resplendent site of an orange panel van…
… complete with mattress in the back.
Nothing starts a day off like being chauffeured to a yum cha breakfast at 11am in a tiger orange love mobile. I devoured crunchy spring roles and fresh leafy vegetables in the company of two Melbourne boys over bottomless cups of green tea.
Then I ran around Northcote with a group of Writers wearing a hooded denim jumpsuit toasting various shades of grapes.
And someone shouted me olives…
We discussed the ‘can’ or ‘cannot’ read my work out loud topic that I keep warbling on about lately. We traded books and talked about handwriting and shared stories.
Magical things tend to occur when Artists gather… like the world instantly beautifies.
A long and wonderful weekend… the best weekends end on Mondays… occasionally Tuesday…