Being the language lover I am, there are two words I don’t like.
‘Content’ and ‘influencer’.

I don’t like the word content because it takes the essence out of the word writing.
It sounds like something to be merely consumed rather than cherished and considered, something forced instead of something thoughtful.
Content takes away from my personal definition of writing which is based on create.

The reason I don’t like the word influencer is very simple, I’m not someone who’s influenced.
In the westernised world where I tend to reside, the media seethes. I have made a very conscious, life-long effort to make moves to avoid this.
It’s why I’ve never owned a television the 20 years I’ve been out of my parents’ house. I don’t read newspapers unless I’m getting paid to.

It’s work living in my happy bubble. New York City is ironically a wonderful place to avoid the media because as much as everyone is watching the city, in the city you’re just marvelling at what’s around you.
A large part of why I elect to live in Australia is because of the tiny population, 24 million. Less people, less media, it’s a very simple equation.
Don’t get me wrong, I still like some documentaries. I still play with cameras and have fun on Tik Tok. I’m going to be starting a podcast, and once I create my writing program, I’ll have to have some type of strategy to share what I create with as many people as I possibly can.
In the meantime, I’m going to keep hiding out with my three dogs chasing waves and kissing sun.
No content, and certainly no influencers.