music and musing

For four years I was mad involved with college radio, WXCI 91.7 Danbury Connecticut in fact. I grew up stealing my sisters' cassette tapes and listening to HOT 97 out of New York City. I've been listening to HOT 97 on and off for so long, I remember BEFORE they played hip hop and were a dance music station. That's hardcore people. I also remember the first time I heard dancehall reggae. I recorded it off the radio and played it for my father...

she’s still at it

I spent today reviewing work, editing, moving stuff around and reading reading reading. There was a lot of 'yes, no, maybe' happening while I read through different pieces. I carried on this way for a few hours and then felt a bit ick about the whole thing. It's a mysterious process blog family. I don't really understand writing something and then trying to decide whether or not it's 'good enough' to publish or if I should edit it. I only know a...

blog sorting, word spilling, job getting

We're approaching blog post 200 fellow cult members and art tribe. I'm sure there's probably some magic way of arranging my page to make it look better in a lot of ways... I'm going to ponder on this over the week. I've decided to submit another story since my last one was accepted, only took 31 years!! I guess that means the next victory will be somewhere around the 62 mark? Dudes... As much as it'd be great to front a wealthy lifestyle of no...


Some of our dedicated cult members might recall my chatter about detoxing back in January, today marks day one of  my latest visit to un-funville. I need to focus... As a go hard or go home kind of girl, I tend to be in or out when it comes to raging. That said, I understand more than I'd like to about the benefits of cleaning out this physical shell of mine. I've essentially been hitting whatever I can as hard as I can for the past month in a...

behind the scenes… oh my god i’m getting published!

Mucho emotional action has been occurring behind the scenes since I've returned to Australia from the States. I thought I was doing a decent job of balancing everything until turning into a pile of moosh last week for a few consecutive days... then I realized something was up. My day today was spent recalculating... thinking about screenplays and poems... stories and research... There was cooking because that's what I do when I'm stressed....
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