snooze tags & moments we’re meant to create

So I've been doing this every day for about six months now... insanity. The best element is hands down all of the Artists I'm meeting. I'm put on to new talent nearly every day and am spoiled with tastes of what other creative tribal members are up to... it's dope. Yesterday I tried sorting out my tags because with close to 200 posts it seems like something I should do? Last night I had company. When I first moved to Australia I stumbled across...

ready… steady.

Go! Alright tantrum has been managed with a lovely drive through glowing green and a few cello tracks. Since I grew up in the forest, I seek it out at particular moments. As much as I love New York City... I also crave open spaces. I think my appreciation of so many different areas is a big part of what my issue staying in one spot is. Yesterday ended up fueling me with scents, sights, and sounds just waiting to be put into stories. Feelings and...

moments that suck

Yesterday had many moments that sucked. It sucked when I tried to edit my anthology and became too frustrated to see; it sucked when I opened my script and couldn't read because I had gotten myself so worked up already; and it sucked when I attempted to express my dismay as an Artist in a dramatic monologue  that concluded with 'IT'S NOT A HOBBY!!' Something's gotta give. When I was in the States, I had an entire gaggle of tribal members to...

how i live

I intend to keep living as a nomad/gypsy until I can afford something in Manhattan... it's kind of like a silent protest. I live basic. Once upon a time everything to my name could fit in two backpacks. One for clothes, one for books. Moving when I lived in New York City was as simple as hailing a taxi cab. The most difficult thing I have to pack these days is the puppies. Lily gets carsick. Apparently lots of dogs get carsick which I was never...

it’s raining. poetry.

It's been raining outside for the past few days and is supposed to rain all week. I love it. Everything is scented with that delicious, cool aroma that is completely inexplicable. Imagine being able to stay inside, listening to the rain, with no where else to be, for days at a time... I've written two poems in the past 24 hours,One free verse, one structured. My version of the free verse looks a bit different from the Internet posts because I'm...
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