Mucho emotional action has been occurring behind the scenes since I’ve returned to Australia from the States.
I thought I was doing a decent job of balancing everything until turning into a pile of moosh last week for a few consecutive days… then I realized something was up.
My day today was spent recalculating… thinking about screenplays and poems… stories and research… There was cooking because that’s what I do when I’m stressed. There were phone calls because sometimes only the closest people you’ve got can convince you ‘You aren’t crazy…’
And then came the email.
Blog family, I received an email today from an online literary journal that (wait for it…) actually ACCEPTED one of my stories!!
My levels of disbelief are so high that I don’t even want to mention the site yet until I physically witness a separate entity from me posting my work. Don’t get me wrong, I would still avidly promote this particular e-journal and all of the artists they back… but I’m still getting my head around being one of ‘them’…
Needless to say, my day has taken an ineffable turn. This is actually historical, ground breaking shit… One day (although I’m still not totally convinced, simply out of personal habits of self-destruction) I’m going to say ‘(such and such) were the FIRST publication to have my back and stand up for what I’m on about…’
… I can’t even begin to describe my glow.
More to come SOON!!!!!
Awesome!! Congrats!!
thank you very my wonderful friend :-D!!
I’m a proud Gabby:)
you’re next bitch!! :-D!!
YES !!! congrats ;D happy for ya. 😉
thank you Sid!!! :-D!!