Namaste blog posse and cult of collaborators
Guess what? I’m going to Arizona on Thursday. We will be live from the wild west for four days! I have never been to Phoenix and am getting to the exited part where I find myself tapping my foot to the rhythm of approaching travels.
In Arizona I will be in the company of Daniel McDermott, founding Editor of BananafishMagazine and all around dope individual as well as other cult associates hiding in the middle fo the desert.
Once I depart Arizona we’ll be smash back in the thick of Australia! Melbourne here I come!!
There will be puppies. There will be an amazing array of tribal members, many armed with ink, paintbrushes, instruments, and other pieces of world that make living better.
Naturally I’m a bit sad about departing the city, like I always am. Which is probably why I haven’t mentioned leaving until four days from bouncing.
Four days? Hmmmm… I imagine there’s a lot I have to do in New York City during our farewell kiss.
Today I’m hiding out in the forest. I require a few more slices of winter night sky and hugs from family before I can even think about departing.
I guess I better start though… I take off in about 100 hours…
The puppies are going to be so happy to see me.