you can be better than that

“don’t let it get the better of you.”

speed (of running)

After a-
While you
Still. Dreamt
I was overcoming
Bigger than any-
Thing capable of dis-
Connection. Reliability
Breaking again. And
Again I shattered feeling
That it was all a cause
Of this insignificance. This
Deficiency. Which was a
Subtraction of his heart;
Something I once took
As permanent restructuring.
Until he shredded
What was left of a shape
That barely formed
Before he started making
Promises. Tear my heart
Into shapes. Reconstructing
Ideas. I used to reflect
A resonance. Capable
To lie in every environment;
Cloud, sky, fire, earth
Form. I release
To an unweighted
Amount of nothing.
Watch. How I

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