angels around me

Since I was a little girl, I’m talking as far back as I can recall into single digits – I’ve been aware and in contact with angels. Everyone is, I think it’s just a matter of how much time goes into thinking about it.

I put a lot.

Recently, after my angels completely delivered on the NYC package, I’ve been talking over many other components of my life with them. There’s probably one other person I might be able to talk to about what needs to be discussed, but they do not want to talk to me.

I left my apartment for work today with my Berlin angel in my pocket. During a taxi ride to work (it’s raining like a bitch in NYC today) the driver Kevin and I became acquainted while cackling over everyone on Madison Avenue and 45th Street with umbrellas blown inside out.

For that split moment, I stopped thinking about the person who won’t talk to me whilst laughing off ass.

One of the books I’m completing is about being in touch and tune with your angels, it’s important. Trust me, they deliver. In every shape, size, flavor and sound.

I am sure quite certain many of you already agree.

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