assume intuitive

assume intuitive

In between

What cracks
He appears and
Repairs. Puts back
An idea of complete.
I end
Up shivering, I
Would never sigh
A syllable about
Us. Combination
Of pushing out,
Accepting in –
I blinked slower.
I opened my eyes
Tasting renewed
Hush. Whimpering
That we reveal
To the other:
Reflecting find
In another’s eyes.
There is this
Finality, like I could
Drop and rejoice
Toward complete
Because he delivers
A truth
That can’t be shared.
Because we never
Belonged in this
Swarm of social

2 thoughts on “assume intuitive

  1. Hello gorgeous. I really like this one; fav part the “TRHWW” words 🙂 Hope you are gaining the invigorated wonder of detox – a state I’ve been in for over six months now – and surprisingly loving it!
    Hugs to you dear one xxx

  2. Namaste sister, six months of detox?? Bless you. I always seem to find that once I attempt any routine too steady that my spirit fiercely retaliates for reasons still beyond me. Love to you always x

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