brisbane. you crazy.

This is a short story I submitted for the One book many Brisbanes comp that happens every year in my current city of residence. They knocked it back... suckers. THE TENDER CALCULATION OF REGRET’S DISCOVERY Brisbane is roughly 25,652 kilometres from New York City, give or take a few. When I left Manhattan, my shrink told me that I was approximately 14.7 years away from killing myself. This gave me a life expectancy of roughly 38.5. Over the...

blah blah blah moving blah poetry

The current phase of blah moving blah blah poetry is a whirlwind of days spinning in and out of me. Many fun things are also occurring on the in between. Meeting Artists from all over the world... being inspired... Something about changing space is always inspiring. Days start to feel lighter to me through the uncertain shifts that take place whenever I move. One of those periods where so much is happening at once you couldn't possibly rattle it...

let the beatings begin

Per the expert advice of CJ I put together a video blog today. If you like you can watch it here. YouTube is another mysterious land in Internet world that I visit from time to time. I understand its value in making new friends and finding old cult members... it just seems too close to television to me a lot of the time. But don't get me wrong, I've encountered insane amounts of talent within YouTube world - I think most people have. I...

farewell cubby house

When I was a kid my best friend and I had two token cubby houses. One in the closet that was beneath the staircase at my parents' place, and one that was built up in between a triangular formation of trees in the woods behind her parents' house. Her brother liked to think of it as 'his fort'... what little did he know... I find that every place I end up living has some type of area about it that turns into a 21st century cubby house. Presently...


Inspiration is like crack rock to Artists. I personally think it gets worse as I age. I begin to overflow with angst if too long passes in between my treasured moments of sanity when I feel inspired. The rest of the time in between is... well... just that. Time in between. Today was very fabulous because two different music tracks inspired two very different poems. In the writing group I co-host, common conversations are about how creative work...
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