behind the scenes… oh my god i’m getting published!

Mucho emotional action has been occurring behind the scenes since I've returned to Australia from the States. I thought I was doing a decent job of balancing everything until turning into a pile of moosh last week for a few consecutive days... then I realized something was up. My day today was spent recalculating... thinking about screenplays and poems... stories and research... There was cooking because that's what I do when I'm stressed....

happy birthday puppies

You heard everyone! The puppies are three today. They have been scampering around my feet since they were eight weeks old. Today's entry is a photo blog in honor of Henry and Lily... family members / cult mascots... posted a poem on my redbubbleportfolio a little while ago... people are vibing... always the best feeling.

and then i almost puked

I submitted something for 'publisher consideration' today. It's the last thing that I am going to submit for a bit... give or take more bits... As we've seen blog family, the entire process turns me into a ranting mess of foul mouthed rage. Not at the rejection(S)... with all the fucked-upness in the world, suuuurely I can handle a little lot of 'rejection'... Oh no, that is not my issue at all. In all honesty, I can't judge my personal work as...

stories and research and food

Today has been a full on day of words and flavors. I'm working on two pieces of short fiction and various movie scenes. In a perfect world I'd say 'All my energy is going towards blah blah blah...' alas, the world is an imperfect place... I am as scattered as usual. I think I may have come across the first work to consider for my PhD literature review... I ordered a book today that I now anxiously await. My peaks and troughs of emotion lately...

three hundred and eighteen

On average... 318 pages of my blog get read every day since starting back in September. WORD. My head seems attached better than last week... healthy doses of writing and editing are happening at the moment... here are some tastes. an unsought massage from an unlicensed therapist i used to think i did it to feel like you. to feel you in that way. that way i felt panting inside 2am. haze. your apartment corridor. dirty green carpets. open door....
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