You heard everyone! The puppies are three today. They have been scampering around my feet since they were eight weeks old. Today’s entry is a photo blog in honor of Henry and Lily… family members / cult mascots…
posted a poem on my redbubbleportfolio a little while ago… people are vibing… always the best feeling.
I like the dog bed one
hee hee :-D!! that’s one of their beanbags… you should see them both try squeezing in one together these days! veeeeeeery entertaining! lol
Aww! They were so little! Happy birthday, Henry & Lily. Dude, I met you a few months after you got the puppies. Time flies…
aaaaaw! they miss you! we should have a party soon…
Aww, Happy Birthday puppies!!!
they had the happiest day ever!! i fed them coconut rice and played fetch for like three hours!! 😀