20 percent fun. 80 percent suck.

Dear blog family Late entry today... I've literally done planes, trains, and automobiles; three quarters a bottle of red when I somehow ended up flying business with Qantas; and serious tribal stomping in my backyard with the puppies to celebrate my return. Last week was about 20% fun 80% suck. I had a few revelations that had me downward spiraling for more hours than I'd like to mention. These include: 1. I've turned into a laptop bitch, one of...

last day and back to it.

Tomorrow I fly back to Brisbane. This week was meant to be a 'break' ... for reasons I'm still sorting out, I must say that's not what it felt like at all. The writing that I've done over the past few days has been fiercely emotional. As a Writer, some creative pieces are just that ... creative. They're words born to paint scenarios in a unique way that expresses my style and connect me with the world. Other pieces are me processing days, taking...

the melbourne dance continues…

Since Monday I have been dancing around Melbourne. There have been stories, soul circle members, and many written words. No computer access has been an interesting experience. Although my handy iPhone is holding it down until I return home on Sunday, I will openly admit I miss the sound and feel of eagerly clicking keys each day. Trip highlights so far include dancing to records at late hours with minimal clothing and a collection of Melbourne's...

another rant about publishers

So as we all know I sent in a new round of work recently to get knocked back by publishers. I'm not saying that I deserve a Nobel Prize or anything... but I should definitely be published by now. People often say 'Don't take rejections personally.' I say that's bullshit. I take them very personally, which is why I don't submit work like I'm apparently supposed to. Getting rejected basically for who you are is a strange cocktail of utter...

48 hour phone-a-thon

I've been on the phone for the past two days. I had to get off at one point around 4am to check on the stars. That's the great thing about having cult members all over the world. You get to have coffee, lunch, and dinner with people still at completely random times. Midnight drinks at 3 in the afternoon... And for two days I barely thought about writing at all. Only instead of running to New York City like usual... I had an international...
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