day 33. it’s move time.

Today is Day 33 that I've been back in Brisbane. As can be confirmed prior to me leaving in October... I'm done with this town. The weather has been FABULOUS as have the frequent bush romps in coastal wonderlands north and south of me... but I need to move. The move requirement is distracting from my work. Since I'm old now, I can make generalized cliche Artist statements like 'I can't work in these conditions!' and 'It's critical that such and...

count down to st patrick’s day

The bottom line facts... St Patrick's Day has become a significant holiday since I've been in Australia due to my amount of Irish mates here and overseas (shout out to Cathal!). I never really understood celebrating St Patrick's Day until I started rolling with the Irish. I end up hearing pub songs played by various Irish cult members throughout the year so we can sing. And in case you don't recall, I'm not a singer... St Patrick's Day is the...

a brewing adventure

Considering that I've officially been back in Australia for just over four weeks, adventure time is nigh... In addition to feeling flat about my script... I'm running out of editing juice. I've been staring at the screen a bit too much recently and my eyeballs are rolling out of my head... Therefore we will be live from Melbourne come Monday! I'm not sure for how long yet... I bought a one way ticket. Could be a few days... could be forever...

melbourne and the oscars

Once upon a time I lived in a one bedroom cottage on Separation Street in Northcote and would peddle push bikes to Dan Murphy's in Fairfield after my car got stolen, used in a robbery, and lit on fire in front of the Melbourne Zoo. That was when I lived in Collingwood... I came to Brisbane for some sunshine, which was lovely, but it's been back-to-Melbourne time for like three years. So long, in fact, that I escaped to the greater New York City...

i need a webpage and a last name…

I realize I have this webpage... but I think I need one with some type of 'gretchen' ring to it. And I think I need a last name. Sure I've got a few of those already on ID cards and certificates, now I need one for a web address. I'm going to use 'cello'. I adore cello music and 'gretchen cello' sounds like a Writer's name. I need to consider things like this because my anthology is coming along and I'm going to have to publish it under...
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