Today is Day 33 that I’ve been back in Brisbane. As can be confirmed prior to me leaving in October… I’m done with this town. The weather has been FABULOUS as have the frequent bush romps in coastal wonderlands north and south of me… but I need to move.
The move requirement is distracting from my work. Since I’m old now, I can make generalized cliche Artist statements like ‘I can’t work in these conditions!’ and ‘It’s critical that such and such happens…’
Therefore I have officially cracked shit that it’s go time.
I leave Monday for Melbourne. That means yet another unsupervised weekend… I figure I might as well hit town since I’m manifesting an ASAP move…
Ok who am I kidding… I hardly need a reason to hit town. There have been a few whispers of beach trips and cocktails and casinos…
… should be interesting.
In terms of Writing…
I have new ideas that I’m not going to start experimenting until I move to Melbourne (next week hopefully?). Editing, script, and research proposal are meant to be at the forefront of my existence. At the moment I’m having a hard time focussing because the requirement to move is consuming mucho energy…
Which basically means I’m still writing a lot of poetry…
Woo Hoo! For unsupervised weekends!!
i wasn’t gonna bring it up but the photos from the last one were pretty good… 😉