pro-portioned. click clackety click.

Last night my apartment sounded sensational. Something like click click... clackety click... I looked to my left, across the studio, to see a pair of honey-earth toned eyes blinking in approval. I blushed and kept writing. You know, sometimes when I read FollowMeToNYC archives I find myself audibly murmuring "Damn"s and "Oh damn"s whilst biting fingernails. It's been nearly three years since the jump-off to get to this city with a novel. I need...

blossoming patches bloom

I was inspired this morning by two things (so far) First there were the beautiful comments from Ms Debbie, (one of my Australian sisters who I had the pleasure of spending some of my better Sundays in Melbourne with writing, cackling and clanking cider glasses). She mentioned the violent and bleak moods that owned me for a few months, and the writing that matched it. Then she said how lovely it is to see me in love... and referred to writing...

89 days

I realized this morning that it has been 89 days since Tim arrived. Needless to say, my family is pretty pissed off about me getting hitched 44 days after discovering the wonder of my husband. It's ironic because part of my escape from Australia was to be closer to them. I imagine if anyone decides to have a real look at how ecstatic I am about life lately, they'll decide to come around. You always hear people talk about how life can change...

my memorial day

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the States, the first long weekend of the summer. I elected to hide in the forest over the weekend. Thus far, it's proving to be most perfect. Everything is electric green from recent showers; I've been spending time with the family still speaking to me since my wedding; and I'm thoroughly enjoying a minute out of midtown. I think we walked about five miles today. So much in fact that when we departed for our...

portrait of daybreak’s echo

portrait of daybreak’s echo Dawn murmurs physical benediction – Blinking to focus on invitation. Like my body’s a switch flicking to on; Cacophonous chords braid classical songs. One gaze shaded sunlight, sky, swamp and sap. From my head to toes. From my neck to back. Elemental beckoning. Hard and fast. Soft. Balance. Time-keeping. Locked moment. Fact. A permanent grip unable to snap. Closed-pulled blinds. Light-filled room. Magnetic....
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