Last night my apartment sounded sensational.
Something like click click… clackety click…
I looked to my left, across the studio, to see a pair of honey-earth toned eyes blinking in approval.
I blushed and kept writing.
You know, sometimes when I read FollowMeToNYC archives I find myself audibly murmuring “Damn”s and “Oh damn”s whilst biting fingernails.
It’s been nearly three years since the jump-off to get to this city with a novel. I need to deliver.
Speaking of deliver… it thrills me to announce my forthcoming collaboration with Ricardo Perez Jr… Pro-Portioned.
Pro-Portioned is proudly sponsored by the independent label Stormed Heart Writings. I am honored that my first collaborative collection is on this label and with Rick, who I respect and love more than any silly blog post can catch.
Furthermore, in July I will release Poetry Volume 3. While it will be a challenge collecting all of my work from the last 12 months considering that I spent 60% of it a full-time wreck – it will be nice to officially dust Poetry Volume 2… which I never even bought a personal copy of because it was just too depressing to read.
At least I know for certain that Poetry Volume 3 ends blissfully.
While my achievements publishing poetry are somewhat baffling to me, rest will not arrive until I’m novel pitching. I didn’t come back to this town to be complacent.
Hey publisher… Catch!
I’m pretty rapt about moving uptown and, even though my present landlord continues to channel Satan and stays shooting me malevolent e-mails – I will not be deterred.
July 1st or bust. July 1st also happens to be Tim’s birthday. Hence, extra on.
I spent the morning writing, drinking black coffee and dancing to Fat Joe in preparation for UPTOWN. Off to write reports.
August can’t come fast enough! Thank you sister 🙂 x o x