wandering, writing, wishing

I hit the streets today... I intended on putting serious thought into figuring out why I can't seem to find my favorite sort of happiness anywhere else besides New York City. Sometimes I think too much, I suppose everyone does to a degree. However, when you're a Writer, and all you do is constantly consider words and expression... I think your brains can get out of control in their own special way. No more or less than anyone else... it's just a...

blue sticky fingers. interview!!

Day 9 on Yankee soil! The love around me has words spilling, laughter echoing, and consistent sighs breathing fresh, lilac-scented secrets that whisper, I think I might just finally be onto something... I have an interview on Monday in Manhattan. It's more of a preliminary screening... but I must admit... I'm quite excited at the opportunity to put on my grownup clothes and dance over to midtown... I've already started rehearsing lines that...

managing unclaimed manacles

managing unclaimed manacles I thought I could Say your eyes lit me up. I thought You could see. Hear. Sway to my cautious cadence. Visit a place Hidden below dusty wings. When you started Hiding where I looked I started too. Replace mistreat with impairment. Hating me. Hurting In a strong way. I still tell people. I’m ok… My neck will snap Before I contort To gain; your looking Down. Crawls turn to tumbles Rolling along Crooked ways. And I...

zombie flicking, work? and, naturally, poetry.

Dear blog family I hope you dig today's snapshots from the forthcoming zombie flick... Job hunt continues and I've been shooting out many letters with phrasing along the lines of 'Ummm... I'm pretty sure I'm important in Australia... or something... for example... uuuuuh... speech writer for Ministers and Premier... corporate hoop hopping heels wearer...' etc. Something's gotta give soon mate. After a day and night of frolicking I sat within a...

turning up…

turning up I am not anyone’s cohabitant. Or some category definition. You forgot crack is a result of bend. Knowledgeable of what can’t be undone. Exposing my side of invisible. When pain transitions to laughter. Over. Walking away with a glass that’s half full. The worst part about it is you concur. Heartbeats stopped. Dropped. Kicked across cold floor tiles. And I heard my own voice for the first time. Without concern over passing your...
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