Move is paused cult collective. FollowMeToNYC headquarters will not relocate until September, which means the puppies's arrival is also postponed. Not talking about that one. Unfortunately, my wanky landlord seems to have forgotten every syllable spoken between us. So the move is paused. Puppies are resting up another eight weeks before their journey across international waters. Usually, these are the bits of life that make me want to break...
composition of a lover beethoven. piano concerto 5. evaporated words no longer heard in fortissimo. enfolded in his gradual dynamic. creeping to crescendo. sforzando piano. circling wrists lengthen tones of each note. turn me taciturn. language lacking in a perdendo expression. my body bends and accents to the endless song. uninterrupted. composition | noun 1 the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or...
I was inspired this morning by two things (so far) First there were the beautiful comments from Ms Debbie, (one of my Australian sisters who I had the pleasure of spending some of my better Sundays in Melbourne with writing, cackling and clanking cider glasses). She mentioned the violent and bleak moods that owned me for a few months, and the writing that matched it. Then she said how lovely it is to see me in love... and referred to writing...
I've been gushing about The Reign of Kindo quite a bit lately. For example, here, here and here. So you can imagine my glee upon discovering that they were playing a FREE SHOW at Rockwood Music Hall last night. Tim and I scampered downtown for dinner at nine. Amazing Mexican food with salty, frozen margaritas on a warm summer night. Sigh. Afterwards we shuffled over to the venue. The boys performed on Stage 2 located in a lovely, quite intimate...