face kicks. life licks.

The past week-ish hiding in the forest immensely helped my head. The roughly 14 days that led up to this particular stint was head spinning to say the least. A lot of life-culling has been taking place behind the scenes. Regardless of consciously projecting love to whatever's around me at any given time, I keep a small click close. When I'm not deliberately breaking my phone, there's usually about six numbers in it. It's not that I'm...

city to sticks. back around.

Namaste loyal readers & cult affiliates I've been in the sticksĀ for a lush three days. I'm staying indefinitely through mid-Septemberish. I'm certain a city sway will occur sporadically, New York City is irresistible on any day - summer is entirely something else. A friend of mine smiled at me a couple of weeks ago and said, "I'm glad you're from the country." Considering my current address and history with the town I love, it's not usually...

solstice. simplify.

Yesterday I celebrated the summer solstice. I watched the sun come up over the east river and dip down into the Hudson on the longest day of light. As a light creature, the longest lit day is very important. The symbolism to this, I suppose, is as significant as my recent bouts of silence. In a few months I'll enter the final year of my dirty thirties. And believe me, they were quite dirty. I don't really believe in the whole age/time thing. But...

hello june

Six months later... I've never gone so long in silence since I started this webpage in 2009. Viva introspection. Summertime in New York City if officially upon us. I've spent the past few months hitting keys; having my heart broken a couple times; and plotting and scheming on the reg. The freedom that I have and life that I managed to build here baffles me, particularly when I click around this webpage. Certain periods that I revisit feel like a...

wedding dresses
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