I will never be a brand. A publisher or PR person will have an issue with this. And all this associates with why I've never wanted my ART to be my salary. Money is gross. The world has been built and warped in westernised ways where it takes bread to get by. I get that. That's why I worked for so long with the trust in our higher power that freedom would eventually find me and give me the capacity to help and do my greatest good. I'm swimming...
Namaste blahg tribe Wow... it's been over three months, quite a flash indeed. It's been seven months since I've had to work for anyone. I've spent this time traveling, thinking, meditating, dancing on the beach, raising the newest puppy (Pascal who joined us on Easter) and completely indulging in this new era of my life. Today I booked a motorhome to travel to the top end of Australia in a bit over two weeks' time. There is blue water and rain...
Family.... I love you and hope all of you and yours and ours are chillin... So... I've been on so much extra level silence for so long. This cunty virus came out while I was leaving New York City in February. Anyways, y'all should already know I hate the fucking press. This exact week last year, I was in New York City handling my business. My best friend of 36 years strong shouted my airfare to get me to Manhattan in time for what I had to...
I got divorced again last week. Lucky number three... I have made new friends who I'm helping. I may have found a third dog. Every time I get this happy... which has only happened two times before... I have k(NO)w De - - sire To say any(thing). One love. Ps:
I decided ten days ago Manhattan was calling. I had been in a fairly shit mood for like two weeks and I needed a quick fix. So last Friday, I hopped on a plane and am currently hibernating amongst chilly treetops and windy street blocks. Since I left Manhattan to go back to Australia in June 2018, I've been freelancing. The dopest thing about being a freelance Writer is setting yourself up to work a month, have a month to yourself, work a...