on the table. about-ness.

Namaste blog tribe You know, I remember starting this page with a broken heart and lack of a prayer on getting to New York City. Then I got here in a volcanic blast of emotion and life adjustment after spending ten years in another country. THEN I lost my job, I guess that was the official point of: alright, no more tears over exes... no more taking for granted how hard I work... onto the next one. Here's the next one: two prospects. Not just...

back up

Namaste darlings After a few day hiatus where I filed down jagged life pieces, chopped up smooth ones and found ways to click and jab them all back together again... Here I am. I apologize to anyone I frightened and appreciate the love that poured in with phrases like, "Oh my God! Did your site crash?" "Darling, are you ok?" And "I love reading your blog, I hope you're alright." It was the first time in 54 months that I took down my web...

viewing inter

I had a legitimate conversation with someone about work today. Not a "hide from life" situation... a legitimate job. Earlier today, I was on the phone with my best friend of 32 years. We both agreed, ever since I got back to this country three and a half years ago... I haven't been me. We even went a step further to say, whoever I might be was consumed by a stranger I married 12 years ago. It's not easy to run from life like I have. Skipping...

truffle butter

So I was on about my favorite Nicki track off Pink Print a few weeks ago. They're actually all my favorite... Anyways, I've been feeling less emo recently. I've moved away from R&B, through a brief rock period and now I'm back to Prink Print. I miss my crew in Australia. My fellow Writer wenches and Artistic posse of love spreaders. It makes me smile watching us all make moves with new creations and surreal experiences of inspiration. I like...
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