
Namaste blog family I KNEW IT! A bit of Russian gypsy music was EXACTLY what I needed! Last night I shimmied to Vulgargrad until my long hair turned into sweaty ropes and the clack of my boots shook the floor of the Northcote Social Club. See for yourself!

shock balance. guess who called.

I've only been back in Australia for ten days. It feels a tiny bit like ten years. I've been slightly vegetable like. And although I really am making a conscious effort to participate in life... the past week and change has essentially been a perpetual out of body experience. I'm going out tonight to dance to Russian gypsy music with one of my favorite people. One of the only people who is capable of gently gripping my ankles and planting me...

gretchen new york city

Namaste my global cult of goodness Guess what? I recently had another pants wetting session over google.  So yo. Take a second and go google "gretchen new york city" ... go on ... I'll wait here. HOW HOT IS THAT??? Yup. Gretchen Cello is page one in the "gretchen new york city" search. I see you New York City. Don't sleep. Today's photos are a collection from the various "about" pages I've had over the past 22 months. When I was in town I spoke...

kisses to queens. let’s work. love sending.

Back to work today! That's right party people, I will be sitting at my desk less than 24 hours after landing back in Australia. Why?! Because I'm hardcore. Woke up this morning, wished on a star, brewed espresso, and I'm about to be out... Utter isolation does wonders for incentive. I would like to send special love to family member / honorary cult committee member, my amazing friend David. David lives a block away from Chris who holds down...

aren’t you that girl… from australia… ?

This was the fabulous first phrase anyone spoke to me this morning. I rolled off the couch around eight. I wandered down to the Starbucks on Steinway in Astoria; a spot that I took a liking to when I was working last summer. It's where I did most of the Poetry: Volume One edits. Considering I missed the back cover last time... I should probably find a new place to edit Volume Two. Never the less... I approach the coffee bench with all of my gear...
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