Heritier O’Brien. Pies. Footy. Fitness.

Aussie Rules football is the gridiron of Melbourne in terms of popularity. My first response witnessing the sport back in 2002 was, "Wait... they don't wear pads?" Outside of my job today there was some shoe company promotion thing happening which wasn't very exciting, but what was exciting was seeing players from the Collingwood Magpies wandering about. If you'd like to experiment with the popularity of Aussie Rules down under, try googling...

admiring art and beauty

The Writers and I hit the town again tonight... We went to an art exhibition. We captured certain seconds in the click of a frame. We visited a rooftop beer garden with city views. We grinned at how beautiful life can be... One of the most critical thing for any artist, I believe, is taking moments to appreciate how lovely life is. Artists do this unconsciously I think. Our favorite things infuse the back of our minds and linger until they...

window of writers. cocktails galore.

I met one of my favorite sisters, Writers, cult board members this evening for cocktails. Having been raised under the influence of four intelligent, head strong, females, I find in my adult years I surround myself with a similar tribe. And when these particular tribal members are red-headed Writers... watch out... Neither myself nor my people do anything in halves. So when the two of us ordered a punch bowl of ginger cocktail to share and a...

shaking brains. eating olives. clickclickclick.

Writers love the sound of clicking. We like how inky expression feels when it spills from our instrument of choice; which we judge from qualities like weight, thickness, color and cap... I clicked a lot today. I started clicking around seven this morning. Pieces started coming together. I shook my head forgetting I had written a few pages hidden over here and greedily gobbled a couple more I had stashed over there. Tricky. I met a Greek man in...

super long easter. writers’ retreat.

Easter works out to be a five day public holiday in Australia this year. It's a long story. Yesterday evening over whiskey, white wine, and pints of pear cider I consulted a favorite Writer - one of our soul tribe's finest - with great concern. My concern was expressed something like: "I can't fucking believe we have a five day weekend and I have NO plans! Seriously?" So you can imagine my glee when the response I received was, "Really? Oh thank...
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