carmel apples. cool breeze. andy warhol.

Right now I am sitting in a glass room with every door open surrounded by forest (once again) smiling. And considering some of my irrational activities as of late... smiling feels even more spectacular than usual. There is the most sublime bite of a morning breeze blowing through reminding me of autumn's arrival... coaxing my words into stories and poems. Being the youngest of five children has benefits for many reasons, but still being spoiled...

money. library. sigorney weaver.

Happy Monday Cult Members I went on my third interview (yes, third) with a joint in midtown that might give me a job... because my other jobs are making me wait too long... and broke-dom is setting in. I don't think this job is going to pay me any money, but they'll let me write a bit, and all 3 000 people I've interviewed with so far are cool. And I'm all about cool people... Right now I am writing you all from the New York Public Library on...

pole dancing in an escalade. columbia.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at Columbia University to discus their MFA program. I already have an MA but in the world of getting paid to lecture I've learned an MFA is required. Apart from the bazillions of dollars universities suck dry out of us, I enjoy studying. I need to stay in school. It brings a unique structure to my work, and learning stuff is fun. And imagine if I got into Columbia? Talk about some shit... I went to a wedding over...

poetry book, porsche, prose, sisters

Namaste blog family This morning the button was pushed and my first collection of poetry is now available on Lulu. I'm not being pessimistic when I say I don't expect many purchases, I'm being realistic. Poetry usually only sells after you croak. I've got a few books I'm working on that I'll pitch to publishers and possibly sell down the line. The poetry book is for hardcore cult members - exclusively. I sold one today, to sister number three......

brewing stories. smoking hookahs

Happy weekend blog family as we bid July farewell and move into the final month of summer. Last night my roommate and I decided that we needed to go out. Really... we needed to.... between the insanely long hours he works and me trying to balance word sorting and nervous breakdown patterns... going out was imperative. Our wanders led to a divine West Village hideaway where we were tucked into a tiny linen fortress and presented with...

wedding dresses
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