wandering, writing, wishing

I hit the streets today... I intended on putting serious thought into figuring out why I can't seem to find my favorite sort of happiness anywhere else besides New York City. Sometimes I think too much, I suppose everyone does to a degree. However, when you're a Writer, and all you do is constantly consider words and expression... I think your brains can get out of control in their own special way. No more or less than anyone else... it's just a...

zombie flicking, work? and, naturally, poetry.

Dear blog family I hope you dig today's snapshots from the forthcoming zombie flick... Job hunt continues and I've been shooting out many letters with phrasing along the lines of 'Ummm... I'm pretty sure I'm important in Australia... or something... for example... uuuuuh... speech writer for Ministers and Premier... corporate hoop hopping heels wearer...' etc. Something's gotta give soon mate. After a day and night of frolicking I sat within a...

where when how because

In the midst of the fuzziness from looking around, taking in what I can, putting on my track shoes, and preparing to sprint... I inhaled deeply today. I held my breath and made a wish. I would tell you what I wished for, but then it wouldn't come true. And as hardcore cult members, I'm sure you understand. Since coming back in February, I've had some serious self-revelations. Sometimes as humans, I think sight is easily lost. People lose...

when all else fails jump in the panel van

I woke up last Sunday with an ugly hangover that dissipated at the resplendent site of an orange panel van… … complete with mattress in the back. Nothing starts a day off like being chauffeured to a yum cha breakfast at 11am in a tiger orange love mobile. I devoured crunchy spring roles and fresh leafy vegetables in the company of two Melbourne boys over bottomless cups of green tea. Then I ran around Northcote with a group of Writers...

reading out loud makes me vomit

I can't read my poetry out loud. I learned this recently after being asked to do so. I have absolutely no issue writing and performing funnies, having a play with improv, or being an extra in say... a bikini model zombie flick (shout out to Mr Loupos!) Just don't ask me to read one of my poems. I'd much rather hear someone else do it... In that past three weeks I have heard three different voices read my poetry. It's amazing how words can...
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