direction to affection’s destruction

direction to affection’s destruction I cannot find love. Inside this. Madness. He asked reasons for my affinity — To explain being woken from sadness. I always knew he was never for me. See: when our hands touched beneath a table My heart was alive the first time this life. My longing soul was now lit, capable. But only true love can promise you strife. My emotions erupted when he blinked. The world around me took a different shape. I...

preloved purpose

preloved purpose i can get used. by(e) - another. face. before i replace again with again... i get stuck and my heart is belonging to someone as he erases all i ha/d/ve. i can get used. scopo usato posso ottenere usato. addio - un altro. faccia. prima I sostituire ancora con ancora... mi si blocca e il mio cuore è l'appartenenza a qualcuno mentre cancella tutto quello che ha / d / ve. posso ottenere usato.  

la voce di crepacuore

la voce di crepacuore ho solo scomparire (essere… causa) perche’ che cosa e egli ha voluto. e sono caduto in questo shock. sue mani sopra di me - le sue parole cancellati. e la cancellazione quello che ha parlato mi ritiro. senza addio. senza spelgazione. when heartbreak speaks i only disappear (be… cause) - it is what he wanted and i fell into this shock. his hands on top of me - his words erased. and erasing what he said i retreat...
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