esaltazione inalare ci siamo svegliati. come il caffè nero; Vivaldi's estate. quattro ore di sonno - 5am. toccare con un solo sguardo. promettente. senza parlare; un bagliore arancione di mattina - amore a prima vista; dita aggrovigliate. gambe avvolte. come abbiamo segreti scambiati. ogni respiro perduto. inhale elation we. awakened. like black coffee; Vivaldi’s summer. four hours sleep - 5am. touching. with one look. promising. without...
invitante infinito egli è apparso e il mio mondo suonava come corde. attraverso una strada di città all'interno della luce solare mi voltai per vedere un ritratto della storia; il mio cuore. rinato. cigarretes e jazz. fare l'amore con parole e suoni inaudito , indicibili da qualsiasi altro. inviting infinity he appeared and my world sounded like strings. across a city street inside of the sunlight i turned to(o)… a portrait of history; my...
conclude commission when you cut like you knew this would never work. and i told anyone who would listen to what i had. to say it mattered is like when i woke up when i was asleep i thought of him and none of it was ever close to how i could have been. something finished. as if we ever started.
tricking turnabout i have a terrible habit of shutting off communication. i ran thr(ew)(ough); a spiral of mixing. shaking up. how i find (k)new w- aze. i. mean these things i cannot spell. out. as in someone. finally pulled at me. my hair; how i stay reconnected. tricking. turnabout.
rekindle rapport when we met we extended. i taught and we learned while he swore. that. this only happens once. i chewed my nails and i bit too short. i curled into 4am silence. and he was the one p/eace/iece be(cause) the way i shake. he k(new) that. when i stretched into the sun it was like i could never reach far. enough. the style i chose to stop; inside. there is so much loud noise every time i hold my breath. when i exhale he always...