more train poetry and the moon at my house

I don’t understand much about the stars down here. All of the constellations are different and if it doesn’t involve the words ‘southern cross’ I really don’t know what you’re talking about.

However… I have no issue lying on the roof of anyone’s car miles outside of a city watching shooting stars for hours. Those are some of my favorite kind of nights.

Living in a city, the star views are never great. But a full moon is just as glorious from anywhere you’re viewing. Today’s photographs are what it literally looks like right now from the great land of down under.

And here’s some poetry from the train this morning…

Loaning the debt. you leave. behind.

Because I prefer going
quickly. Speeding like you didn’t
understand. Couldn’t
keep up.
Smoking wheels and burn outs.
Trails dissipate. More rapidly
with every step I take.
Toward the door.
On the way out, a distant
slow down.
Thoughts of when or I should
let you. Know about all of my
Paid for with plastic.
Cash in my pocket
purchased a car.
I am driving

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