the empress. 4 of 22.

the empress I remember the two hour ride into Manhattan more clearly than many other moments gone. I felt confident for the first time, somehow reunified with life. I had Connie to thank for that. Connie was the teacher I mentioned, my first. She read my palm and offered me green tea. I drank her warm offering and she carefully tilted the empty porcelain mug to capture rays of autumn sun filling her kitchen window. Asymmetrical leaves lined the...

the high priestess. 3 of 22.

the high priestess I have struggled with it since youth, you know. Introductions begin as children. We dream in different ways, colors vibrate more potent shades, light takes on an entirely different meaning. New purpose. My early teenage years were terrible. A miserable battle between undeniable intuition and a daily requirement to attend a school that taught me nothing. Surrounded by humans veiled in fear. Young adults frightened they will...

the magician. 2 of 22.

the magician All of us are born with exact understandings, ability to act, divine free will. Nineteen days before we met is when I officially began business with my partner working from a small office in alphabet city. It wasn’t that we required an “office” to provide our services, but it definitely granted us an instant impression of authority. As clients steadily began ringing our floor, there was an immediate confidence ingrained in...

the fool. a tale of tarot begins. 1 of 22

the fool I want you to know everything. From the beginning. I want to tell you how I dangled my toes over a cliff; once off a cracked building ledge; twice on the edge of a half tipped chair. See there is nothing I fear about starts. Finishes are an illusion I often dread, this idea of completion. Do you believe in endings? The first time I saw you was on a crowded Manhattan subway. When you were rushed away, I knew we would be together. That...


‘Don’t make me laugh!’ she says trying to keep her most serious face even though her eyes are glistening with happiness and her expression says ‘keep going.’ And so he does. Telling a funny story of false glories with stacked exaggerations that have her twisting in giggles. And he thinks she is so beautiful. He knows she won’t ask him to stay but offers all the same. She touches his cheek, knowing he keeps a clean shave because...

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