I thought about chapters today.
This occurred after spending some time reading samples of stories presently making their ways to readers around Internet land. I didn’t get very far because most of what I read had too many adjectives for my liking… or too many vampires… or too much soft porn…
The good that came out of all of this was that it promptly directed me back to some folders filled with files where pieces were cut, pasted, added and chopped. More old things came together. More new things were clacked out in my local park, also known as my current backyard. (Opposed to my new yard awaiting the arrival of the babies.)
I’m excited that my “official official” novel started to take shape in the initial FollowMeToNYC first back-in-town abode. It’s going to be completed in my second back-in-town abode which seems completely appropriate considering that two is my favorite number.
I’m pretty beat since this whole “moving again in five days” thing has started to settle in. It’s wreaking havoc on the sleep thing. My husband Timothy is quite the blessing during times where life turns most crazy. He’s the most patient person I’ve ever met in my entire life.
Let me tell you first off my most gorgeous coven of lovers, if you think you’ve seen some nervous breakdowns in blog land, you can only imagine the experiences my dearest endures.
And to top it, he makes the perfect leg rest when I’m banging chapters on my iPad chilling in the park on a cool summer evening.