day four… inter-weak.

IMG_7340Today is my fourth consecutive post, which really isn’t a big deal after the previous 1000-ish, but it still makes me feel good. It’s nice to get back into something I once was all about and see where it takes me.

However, doing this in the middle of glorious nowhere-ville in the realm of (wait for it) PATCHY INTERNET! is something that I have been dummy spatting over for the past few days.

Naturally, I assumed that relocating to a 35 acre farm two hours north of my Manhattan nest would require a few adjustments…


I’ve been essentially city-wenching it for the past 13 years. Sure, I dealt with no service cruising through the outback back in Australia – that was only in between my way to various cities.

The reason I didn’t post photos yesterday is that my Internet speed of today just won’t agreeably upload.

I’m not trying to sound like the cliche, pretentious “boo hoo I can’t Facebook” chick or anything. I’m aIMG_7491 resourceful person. I’ve got a solution in the mix…

The good thing about restricted Internet, is that I have tons of free writing time since I’m not clicking away into my next web-tunity. Still, I can’t lie, I love communicating with people all around the globe and sharing experiences in a way that simply wasn’t invented when I was a little girl.

I’m thankful for that every day. It’s part of the way that, minus my web-speed-wah, I managed to relocate from Hell’s Kitchen to a farm, nearly a week ago now, without batting an eye much otherwise.

As much fun as I have with electronics, they don’t soothe me like mountains. In hindsight, I guess patchy internet isn’t too bad…

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