day two

  • Well, I survived the first day. It contained slews of international texts and concluded with a three hour Skype conversation.

IMG_4947My general theory is that I’ll break some time during week two. It’s possible, however, with a trip to Rome in the making – it certainly takes a bit out of the sting.

So does this song, I can’t stop playing it. The luthier spun me around our midtown castle and whispered each word against my lips on Sunday morning.

I translated the lyrics and fell even more in love.

Tonight I plan on forcing myself to go to the gym. Once I start, I can usually stick with the routine. It’s just that I like not going so much better. And while my darling Italian boyfriend insists, “You are perfect! You do not need gym?!” I don’t think he realizes I feebly keep my body in sensible shape gym-ing.

Besides, it will pass the day. Plus in less than a month I leave for Italia, I need to get my shit right. Sweating is always good. I prefer different means from a way to sweat – alas, I’ll settle for an elliptical.


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