every day to now

IMG_0151I’ve been angry as of late blog family, can’t lie. Livid, in fact.

There’s a random collection of instances bothering me. For example ex-boyfriends; the U.S. government shutting down because humans are predominately corrupt imbeciles; Miley Cyrus’s ass being on the front of any and every publication across the United States of America.

PS. The word “twerk” makes me throw up in my mouth. All I know is my Jamaican sisters have been shaking what Momma gave them far before any skinny white girl flapped her cheeks in booty shorts.

Exhibit A:

Beenie Man – Slam by dhaanblack

I digress.

I’m not feeling as angry today as I was boiling about last week. Back in my stint of daily blah-ging, it was rough to check in on cranky days. Everyone hasĀ IMG_0168them and deals with them differently.

I ordinarily don’t say much.

I’ve been writing though… let me tell you. I’ve been writing and hole punching and scribbling on paragraphs in grey lead. Highlighting even. I like my book. When other things make me angry, liking book helps. Work helps too. I’m lucky to get paid to do what I’m good at, and I’m luckier to do it for a pair of people who I think the world of.


My coffee is hot and I’m starting another weekend of writing. I’m looking forward to being done with book writing and on to query letters. I do fancy a style switch from time to time.

Happy weekend blog tribe.

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