Namaste family of blog
I’ve been laying low. I even took a few days off from work. I’m not sure if it’s my Virgo sun sign or frantic desire to produce words; but I actually miss my job. I’m lucky for that.
Anyways. Things have occurred. I think the most notable thing is that I met someone interesting. In a land of bland, I haven’t met many interesting people this time through. I’d say… probably eight. So now I’ve met nine.
What makes someone interesting to me, is how they have an impact on my thought patterns. This isn’t always a good thing, mind you. I’ve met three interesting people that did terrible things to my head. And no, they weren’t all lovers.
Humans seem to have this odd habit of tying real affinity to sex. Consistently. Sex is fantastic, don’t get me wrong. However, I’ve learned at my ripe age of 35, it is a much more arduous task to stimulate my mind than my body.
I guess what I’m trying to say, is the last time someone inspired a real, clean thought inside of me was probably, like, 2011. When I made a new friend at the Spiritualist Church in Melbourne.
And we all know how much I really do appreciate thinking.
I find that good thoughts lead to good living. Head control is everything. I let my head get away with me, and while that may inspire some brilliant bloody writing if I do say so myself… good thoughts are better than headless thoughts.
I’ve also been listening to Light Asylum on repeat for the past three days. The last minute and a half of the song, from like 5:19 on, is what makes me lose my shit.
when will you come… and i’m staring at the SKY… and you’re MISSING in my LIFE… when will you come