half way in. dial a bed.

We moved half of our stuff yesterday. Once again, I have managed to successfully move using zero boxes. However I must admit that my two suitcases that I usually move with have grown to three. It’s all of the books between Tim and I. Between his reading and my writing, I think the study I was envisioning is actually going to be somewhat of a library.

Last night we had a barbecue in our new backyard. While there’s no furniture inside, there’s a lovely picnic table in the back where we drank pear cider and licked goat cheese off our fingers. That’s when the executive decision was made of, “Umm… we should probably get a bed.”

Cue 1800DialAMattress.

I have raved in the past about the wonders of delivery living in New York City. Yesterday, on a Saturday around 5.30, I made a ten minute phone call and now have a spanking new queen size bed and box spring being delivered today! On a Sunday! Our first piece of furniture!

Besides the bed, I’m going to go plant shopping. I’d like the apartment to be somewhat of an indoor oasis when the puppies get here. My laptop is in tow. Bed will make a fine desk to work from until the right one comes along. Or Tim builds me one.

That said, you know someone loves you when they personally transport all of your possessions from Manhattan to Queens on foot with no comment other than, “No babe. I don’t need you to carry anything. Seriously.”

Makes me blush, which I am uniquely entertained by. Now… Off to move the other half!


2 thoughts on “half way in. dial a bed.

  1. Ah the chivalry of good menfolk! My beloved insists on walking closest to the road, plus carrying all groceries and the like with a similar saying to Tim – “No babe, I insist, I don’t need you to carry anything”. Your very own garden! Will be so good for you Gretchen! Lovely post x

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