i heart new yorkers

New Yorkers are made up of people from all over the world which is one of the main reasons I love the town like no other. And it’sIMG_0203 filled with incredible talent, literally some of the most talented people you will ever meet. Last week while frolicking with CJ I saw comedians, musicians, and artists of all sorts. I met a French speaking illustrator and chef from England.

Being a human is a confusing experience… people are weird and life requires all sorts of mysterious duties, like figuring out a way to trade time for currency in a manner that doesn’t make you feel like you deserve an Oscar for making it through the day. Whenever I’m in the city, I feel like somehow I fit in. It wasn’t just about going there to have a break, it was about being around other cats and kittens that appreciate what NYC offers.

IMG_0201So this week… writing is on for real. No more kissing skeletons or putting my head inside the giant mouth of 8000 pound wooden lions… time to get back to business.

Of course I can’t wait for Christmas and for the family gatherings it brings. This Sunday me, all four of my sisters, a stack of husbands, and a flock of nieces and nephews will all be under the same roof for the first time since I can recall… I need to rest up… it’s gonna be loud…

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