i love you blog family

Namaste blog tribe

Please forgive the last few silent days. While just a few months back I landed in my current residence, as I mentioned a few days ago… it’s move time. Inwood or bust.

New apartment = puppies arrival. And since Richard Branson weaked out and clearly isn’t going to help me out, it appears I’m on my own with this one.

So to be true, for the past four days I have thought nothing but “APARTMENT!” I don’t have any money to move… but I’m optimistic. Regardless of the role I understand karma to play in living a life, I still believe that some things are simply certain. Like the puppies getting here pronto.

I’m negotiating with the Universe for a July 1 move.

While APARTMENT is the main thing on my mind, I’ve also spent most hours of late pondering someone exquisite; what’s happening with my writing; and what the purpose of life is (put simply).

And of course I thought about the land of FollowMeToNYC and how amazing it is that I am able to talk to a global crowd on a daily basis. A group that’s grown by over 100 new daily lovers clicking in compared to this time last year. I guess when I realized that, the anxiety attack that came with it send me hiding for a few days.

Hooray for being back! Happy Monday all, and here’s to a week of wonderful.

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