ikea. here i come.

I came home from work today to a stack of boxes that chimed in unison, “Remember us?”

I hissed at them and began to fire excuses: “Someone’s going to help me with you this weekend!” “Do you really have to take up the entire hallway?” “How do the puppies feel about this?”

I attempted a bookcase.

Being a Writer, a bookcase seems like the most necessary accessory. After desk. And I still haven’t found one of those.

I tore open the bookshelf box. I ordered pizza. I turned to the puppies for reassurance.

… my bookshelf still isn’t put together.

The presence of the people we personally love is refreshing. By the end of this weekend, believe you me Blog Family, my bookshelf will be together – as will my new table and wall storage unit.


With a bit of assistance from the cherubs that follow me around…

A few lovely hands with soft fingers and palms a reader would gawk at have readily agreed to help me assemble my house.

I’m wiggling a bit over it all…

For what it’s worth, my living room is looking quite pretty. Couches face a fireplace as winter in Australia slowly creeps up.

Have I mentioned there are three fireplaces in my house?

Moral of the story is that although I may not have put anything together tonight, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to have pretties around to help me out.

Sometimes, unfortunately, I reckon we all take such small/huge luxuries for granted…

Watch out house! Here I come!!


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