kind of like college

Namaste blog tribe

I have been absent for a record period. I apologize. I have been writing around the clock. And eating butter popcorn jelly bellies.

I am obsessed with butter popcorn jelly bellies.

I digress…

Since I started working my favorite job ever in February, it’s felt like I’m back at college. I never thought anything could top being employed to write. Being employed to learn is even better.

The past few days have actually been somewhat surreal swapping amongst the collection of writing styles I’m weaving words into. It felt odd not coming to blog land, but it was an experiment. I’m happy with the results. I definitely needed a few quiet days to learn and read and write and study.

I am amazed that tomorrow is Thursday. Which reminds me, this weekend – Poetry: Volume Three is happening. Truth be told, I haven’t been writing any new poetry recently. That’s probably because I’m silently protesting the work connected to banging out my third Lulu creation.

Or, perhaps novel time is nigh. I’ve got all these tens of thousands words to seriously paste and edit and add to.

I hope your world is beautiful. Click clack click…

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