one more sleep for good measure

The good thing about being the Writer / Editor / Formatter / Publisher of your own book is you are the also the only shot caller when it comes to deadlines. Therefore, I hereby postpone Poetry: Volume Two publication for one more day.

Those of you who remember last year’s release likely recall the special typo-laden collector’s edition. In the name of avoiding a similar saga… my trigger finger has agreed to wait one more day until button pushing. Another sleep = another change at fresh eyes. I’m not expecting anything to be “error-free”, I just don’t want have to put out a refreshed version a few days after this one shoots out , like I did with my first poetry book.

Bit of live and learn I suppose…

In between book today, I ate Turkish food, spoke with a lovely man about previous lives, and chatted with a British Medium about a Grandmother of mine. Or should I say, my Grandmother chatted to me via a British Medium?

I also spoiled the puppies with treats, drank soda water with fresh lime, and thought about New York City. And I pondered my novel.

Can’t wait to be DONE with my poetry collection so I can spend time thinking about more things.


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