photo pieces

These are a few photo pieces of my weekend. The escape was much required and as always, I praise Goddess for our cult. One can never have enough love or laughter – and I had heaping serves of both over the past 48 hours.

We all know how I rant about detoxing and tomorrow sets off the latest stint. While my body is looking forward to heaps of fresh juices, a bit of extra sleep, and some type of facial I must get around to booking – my head is working with other messages. These sound like, “You missed January this time around, February is just a good time as ever to be a bit easier on these bones of yours.”

With regard to the secret boiling blood as of late, I won’t know anything this week for sure. The week of Valentine’s Day is when I might receive some word. So I’ll keep on with the puppies mantra, they belong here. So as long as I keep chanting songs to contribute to their early arrival, it should be on.

I’m shivering about something… I think it’s book. I’ll keep on with that direction.

After being ick for so long, it’s refreshing to hear my thoughts return. Instead of whispering sad things about what’s behind, I’m starting to hear happy things about what’s ahead. This is what I’m going to keep focussing on as I clack book.

I hope you’ve all enjoyed your weekend blog family!



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