#poembomb TWO… bobbing along

Namaste tribe collectiveIMG_6288

Yesterday was another day of #poembomb ing the city. Such a small gesture is ideally turning heads to a few fresh wonders like, “poetry! i should go write some…”; “innovation! are they allowed to hang that there?; or “ha! look at these silly artists… they’re always up to something…”

Needless to say, this harmless emotion emulsion has been cheering me up for days in ways I haven’t felt for a few months. So that’s quite wonderful.

We’ll probably #poembomb some of the eastside today. Shout out if you see us! I’m hoping to see #poembomb s pop up everywhere eventually. Worldwide, naturally. Intergalacticly, perhaps.

I’m stoked to have an interview for a potential Writer gig today. IMG_6285Since stepping into this “in between jobs” period, I’ve mainly been finishing my novel, getting all the fresh air my lungs can contain, and starting a writing agency on the side – in between #poembomb ing. It’s been a broke, albeit fruitful five weeks.

New York City is oozing Christmas and everything smells like pine. The tree is lit, the ice skaters are out, and from what I hear – snow is coming next week.

… nooooooooo.

I’ve been quite enjoying stepping back and forth between Connecticut and New York City these past few weeks. To me, it’s the most beautiful part of the States – the diversity of the country’s rolling hills with one of this planet’s cultural centers a train-ride away.

As much as I am Ugh about winter, being locked inside with words and hot coffee for a while doesn’t sound too bad.

Like I say every day, things could always be worse.

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