Wandering around yesterday breaking night and chasing sunrise, I had a few interesting head shifts that danced between states of surrealism, uncertainty, and confident nods.
It’s surreal that I have updated this page 334 times straight and running. Some of the experiences I’ve had over the past five weeks of being in New York City are surreal. Characters to cross my path, ways I’ve been effected after being away for nearly eight years, the fact that I’m actually even here…
I’m uncertain about my projects at the moment, that’s simply because there are quite a few I’m working on. Priority is being given to the Writer’s Night I’m organizing, pushing along a few scripts, and developing some of my book progressions. Naturally poetry spills in between while I attempt to absorb the hits of each day.
In the meantime it would be nice to stumble into a situation that will pay me to Write, so I’m working on manifesting that. That’s where the nods come into play along with my New York City tribe who I love and adore saying things like, ‘Yo you’ve been here for a month and you published a book… you’re doing your thing… chill out… keep up…’
I am in somewhat seek of a space to work. I love and adore my current residence, but working here challenges me because there’s no natural light. I realize that makes me sound like a pretentious Writer making irrational demands… but I’m also a light creature… strange things happen to me if I’m in the dark for too long…
On that note… I’m going to Brooklyn Bagel on Broadway to write, which is pretty much what I do every day… in between the surrealism, uncertainty, and nodding…
… this has got to be the right way to go about all of this. Someone in this town is looking for a Writer, they just don’t know they’ve found me yet.
I love the saying breaking night and chasing sunrise…I’m stealing it.
you’re my favorite… steal away my good man 😉 x
I love your sunshiny optimism.
By the by, I just got friended by an old girlfriend on FB. Lo and behold, she looks, currently, very much like one Gretchen Cello. A strange thing, life.
i’m all about power of thought 😉 another gretchen cello? god save us!